Opportunities to Worship in Song

Sonshine Choir (Pre-School - 3rd Grade)

Make a joyful noise all ye children of the Lord! On Sunday mornings directly after church, the basement of ARC is filled with the sounds of joy as the Sunshine Choir sings songs to the Lord. At ARC, children learn foundational and Biblical strongholds through the music they sing. Some of their favorites include fun songs like “Apple red happiness, popcorn cheerfulness, cinnamon singing inside…peppermint energy gumdrop holiday when you give Christ your life…” and more traditional songs like “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”

4th - 8th Grade Choir

Every Sunday morning following worship the ARC 4-6 grade students meet in the choir room to continue worship through upbeat and contemporary praise singing. These children are given the opportunity to participate on a rotating praise team during Sunday morning worship with older individuals with the songs that they learn. Learning a lifestyle of musical worship is something that ARC hopes its children will carry with them throughout life’s journey, and plus….it is a ton of fun!

Praise Team

Every Sunday morning the American Reformed Church has a Praise and Worship team lead us in a time of singing praises to our Lord and King. At ARC, you will find a mix of modern contemporary worship with a blend of traditional favorites. ARC is working hard at raising up new generations of worshippers that are passionate about blessing the Lord’s heart through the gift of singing and worshipping.

Praise Choir

Praise Choir is for those Junior High students, High School students and adults who like to sing. The Praise Choir takes part in the worship service approximately three or four times a year.  We welcome all those who would like to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord!”

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